Godot Version
I found a setting called “Enable Long Press as Right Click” in the Project Settings > General > Input Devices > Pointing:
I’d love to use this, as it’d mean (if I understand correctly) that I can make my game with support for left and right clicks (so it works on a computer) and then it’ll automatically support Android too thanks to this setting.
However I’m having some issues with it…
I’ve setup a proof-of-concept project to test this: https://codeberg.org/BWPanda/random/raw/branch/master/input-test.zip
I couldn’t use the normal pressed
signal for the button as I can’t seem to differentiate between left and right clicks then. So I used gui_input()
instead, which lets me check which action was pressed/released.
This works - I can left-click and the button turns blue, or right-click and it turns red. On Android, I can tap the button and it turns blue, however when I press-and-hold the button turns blue and then red when I release.
So basically the left-click action is being triggered when pressing-and-holding the button in order to trigger the right-click action.
How do I make it so only the right-click action is trigger on press-and-hold?
Here’s the code:
func _on_gui_input(event):
if get_global_rect().has_point(get_global_mouse_position()):
if event.is_action_released("Primary"):
$ColorRect.color = Color("blue")
elif event.is_action_released("Secondary"):
$ColorRect.color = Color("red")
func _on_timer_timeout():
$ColorRect.color = Color("white")