Enable long press as right-click

Godot Version



I found a setting called “Enable Long Press as Right Click” in the Project Settings > General > Input Devices > Pointing:

I’d love to use this, as it’d mean (if I understand correctly) that I can make my game with support for left and right clicks (so it works on a computer) and then it’ll automatically support Android too thanks to this setting.

However I’m having some issues with it…

I’ve setup a proof-of-concept project to test this: https://codeberg.org/BWPanda/random/raw/branch/master/input-test.zip

I couldn’t use the normal pressed signal for the button as I can’t seem to differentiate between left and right clicks then. So I used gui_input() instead, which lets me check which action was pressed/released.

This works - I can left-click and the button turns blue, or right-click and it turns red. On Android, I can tap the button and it turns blue, however when I press-and-hold the button turns blue and then red when I release.

So basically the left-click action is being triggered when pressing-and-holding the button in order to trigger the right-click action.

How do I make it so only the right-click action is trigger on press-and-hold?

Here’s the code:

func _on_gui_input(event):
    if get_global_rect().has_point(get_global_mouse_position()):
        if event.is_action_released("Primary"):
            $ColorRect.color = Color("blue")
        elif event.is_action_released("Secondary"):
            $ColorRect.color = Color("red")


func _on_timer_timeout():
    $ColorRect.color = Color("white")
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I suspect this is only for in-editor.

You could wire-up some kind of timer and use that to distinguish.

That doesn’t seem likely, especially since this option is under the heading “Android”… It’d be nice to know for sure.

Did you get this working?
I’m in the same boat with my game. I’m planning to port to Android, but I have 1 RtClick action that needs to get accounted for.