i want the camera to follow the player in a top-down-view style without being a child of the player node, because i don’t want the camera to inherit the player-rotation - only the x/y/z position of the player with an added offset. So i added a script to my camera:
extends Camera3D
@onready var player = %Player
@export var posY: float = 10.0
@export var posZ: float = 10.0
@export var rotX: float = -45.0
var playerPos: Vector3 = player.position
var camPos: Vector3 = playerPos + Vector3(0,posY,posZ)
func _ready():
func _process(_delta):
position = camPos
rotation.x = rotX
but i get the error: “Invalid get index ‘position’ (on base: ‘Nil’)”.
extends Camera3D
@onready var player = $"../Player"
@export var posY: float = 10.0
@export var posZ: float = 10.0
@export var rotX: float = -45.0
var playerPos: Vector3
var camPos: Vector3
func _ready():
await get_tree().physics_frame
playerPos = player.position
camPos = playerPos + Vector3(0,posY,posZ)
func _process(_delta):
position = camPos
rotation.x = rotX
also by the way, since you put the camera node in the scene directly on editor, you can use
@export var player:CharacterBody3D
instead of @onready var player = %Player
then after you save the script, go to inspector dock of camera3d and assign it either from drag and drop from scene tree to player property in inspector dock, or assign it from player property in inspector dock
With a few changes to your suggestion it’s finally working now
extends Camera3D
@onready var player = %Player
@export var posY: float = 10.0
@export var posZ: float = 10.0
@export var rotX: float = -45.0
var playerPos: Vector3
var camPos: Vector3
func _ready():
func _process(_delta):
playerPos = player.position
camPos = playerPos + Vector3(0,posY,posZ)
position = camPos
rotation.x = rotX
Seems like the splitting of the variable declaration and the adding of the variable values (moving the latter into the ‘’_process()‘’ function) has been the key to success.
I would change it to a @export var player: CharacterBody3D instead. Unique names aren’t supposed to be used by siblings. You will run into more errors down the line with your current setup.