Godot Version
I am writing a tool to visualize the maximum jump trajectory for my player character (2d platformer).
I have a scene with my player scene added as a child and a custom Node2D type (called arc) added as a child of the Player.
The player has several vars that describe stats related to jumping (run speed, jump height, gravity multipliers, etc).
The Arc is a @tool
script that has it’s own copy of each of the player’s jump stats, as well as a reference to the player (via and @export var). I have structured it this way so that I can test different configurations of the stats related to jumps in the Arc node which then uses a setter function to update it’s own copy, sets the player’s stat to be the new value, and the recalculates the line that displays the trajectory. Here is an example of the players run speed setter from the Arc class.
@export var speed: float = 300:
speed = value
player.speed = value
The idea here is to enable me to fine tune the jump without the player class needing to know about the dev tools.
Everything is working fine in the editor, but when I run my test scene it immediately hangs and complains about accessing values on a null value (player).
The player is definitely set in the scene via the inspector view. I have tried resetting it but no luck there. I am guessing that the value of export vars is not actually set until later in the scene initialization which is causing a crash by the setters for the Arc being called before the player is added to the scene. How can I fix this? Do I need to restructure my scene? Or is there a way to block the setters from being called until the player is initialized?