I’m developing a game similar to Loop Hero, and I’m encountering an issue with my Godot script. The map generation works perfectly, and the campfire and paths are being generated randomly as expected. However, the problem arises when trying to spawn the character at the campfire position. Here is the script I’m using:
func find_campfire_and_spawn_player():
print("Starting find_campfire_and_spawn_player")
for x in range(grid_width):
for y in range(grid_height):
print("Checking cell at: ", x, y)
var cell_id = campfire_tilemap.get_cell_source_id(Vector2i(x, y), 0)
print("Cell ID at ", x, y, ": ", cell_id)
if cell_id == CAMPFIRE_TILE_ID:
var campfire_position = campfire_tilemap.map_to_world(Vector2i(x, y))
print("Campfire position found at: ", campfire_position)
var player_instance = PlayerScene.instantiate()
player_instance.position = campfire_position
print("Player spawned at campfire position: ", campfire_position)
print("Campfire tile not found.")
The game sometimes crashes when the script tries to spawn the character. I’ve tried different variations such as using get_cell but nothing seems to work. Could anyone help me troubleshoot this or provide some insights on what might be going wrong?
There’s too little information here. What do you mean by crash? It just closes your Godot game and returns to the desktop? Is there any error?
What is the script attached to? When add_child is called, where is it added to? Are you calling this from the main thread?
Your function looks fine. I can see an issue where something bad happens when the player is not spawned if the campfire tile is not found but that’s it.
ok so i will try to send you the code with the function ready and this function. this is currently a modified version, but anyway, after the map is generated for me, which is randomly generated and works flawlessly, the function find campfire and spawn player, so at that moment when I start the project F5, the game crashes as if it freezes
extends Node2D
# Grid size
var grid_width = 20
var grid_height = 20
# Tile IDs
const PATH_TILE_ID = 0
@onready var path_tilemap = $PathTileMap
@onready var campfire_tilemap = $PathTileMap
# Path to the player scene
@export var PlayerScene: PackedScene
func _ready():
# Initializes the generator and starts loop generation
print("Starting generation...")
await generate_loop_path()
print("Generation completed.")
# Add timer to spawn player after 2 seconds
var timer = Timer.new()
timer.wait_time = 2.0
timer.one_shot = true
timer.connect("timeout", Callable(self, "find_campfire_and_spawn_player"))
func find_campfire_and_spawn_player():
print("Starting find_campfire_and_spawn_player")
# Get all positions of tiles with the campfire ID (CAMPFIRE_TILE_ID) in layer 0
var campfire_positions = campfire_tilemap.get_used_cells_by_id(0, CAMPFIRE_TILE_ID)
print("Found campfire positions: ", campfire_positions)
# If at least one position is found, use the first one
if campfire_positions.size() > 0:
# Convert the coordinates to world coordinates
var campfire_position = campfire_tilemap.map_to_world(campfire_positions[0])
print("Campfire position found at: ", campfire_position)
# Create an instance of the player and set its position to the campfire position
var player_instance = PlayerScene.instantiate()
player_instance.position = campfire_position
print("Player spawned at campfire position: ", campfire_position)
print("Campfire tile not found.")