Godot’s built in drag and drop system - if drop unsuccessful

Godot Version


I have a script that manages to drag and drop data from one node to another (the texture, from a TextureRect node to another one), but whenever I “drop” the data outside of the bounds of one of the valid nodes it completely disappears. I’d like for it to snap back to it’s last known position somehow.

I know I should be using _notification(what:int) and in some of my tests I’ve managed to make the data snap back to it’s absolute original position, but not it’s last known one.

I was hoping someone with more knowledge could look at my code and tell me what to do and how it works?

My Code:

extends TextureRect

# Copy, check if can paste, then paste = illusion of drag and drop

# __________________________________________________________________________________

# For snapping data back to original place
var lastKnownTexture : Texture2D = self.texture # PROBLEM - Not really last known...

# Triggers when you click and drag
func _get_drag_data(at_position: Vector2): # Should return data
	# __________________________________________
	# Create preview of what we're dragging 
	var preview_texture = TextureRect.new()
	# Define it's properties so we can see it:
	preview_texture.texture = self.texture #make it's texture THIS node's texture
	# add the preview to the scene tree (doesn't make visible yet)
	var preview = Control.new() 
	# Set mouse offset
	preview_texture.position -= get_rect().size/2 # Size is a Vector2
	# make preview visible as drag preview
	set_drag_preview(preview) # set_drag_preview must accept a control node
	# __________________________________________
	# delete texture from original data holder (illusion that we picked it up)
	self.texture = null
	#return what we want to "drag" (basically copy)
	return preview_texture.texture
	# since we're deleting the og texture we'll return the copy we made in the preview func

# Triggers when you hover over another node with dragged item
func _can_drop_data(at_position: Vector2, data: Variant): # should return a bool, data is what we're dragging.
	# Checks whether the data we're dragging can be applied to what we're hovering over
	# (basically checks if can succesfully paste)
	return data is Texture2D # Will return true/false
# Triggers when you drop held item
func _drop_data(at_position: Vector2, data: Variant) -> void: # data is what we're dragging.
	# Assign that dragged data over what we're hovering over
	self.texture = data

# use the _notification func to tell code if drag was succesful
func _notification(what:int):
	if what == NOTIFICATION_DRAG_END && is_drag_successful() == false:
		# make self.texture our last known texture (was original one)
		self.texture = lastKnownTexture # PROBLEM - Not really last known...

Thank you for reading!

# Triggers when you click and drag
func _get_drag_data(at_position: Vector2): # Should return data
	# __________________________________________
	# Create preview of what we're dragging 
	var preview_texture = TextureRect.new()
	# Define it's properties so we can see it:
	preview_texture.texture = self.texture #make it's texture THIS node's texture
	# Try put this code here:
	lastKnownTexture = texture

Trying this, it snapped the data to both of the nodes, not the latest one…

(Dragging outside of bounds)

(After dropping outside of bounds)

Strange, looks like somehow detecting as a drag inside the bounds, i recommend you put a print in the _drop_data function to see if is being called somehow.