Godot Version
This is more of a two-in-one type post, I hope you’ll bear with me
I’m trying to learn Godot’s built in drag and drop system for control nodes and I’m having some trouble finding resources that I can confidently understand. I would really love if someone could go over my code and tell me if my notes are correct (also there are 2 questions at the bottom, marked with capital QUESTION)
Furthermore, I’m trying to implement a way that the Texture won’t snap to it’s pivot point when clicked (by using a mouse_offset
variable). But no matter what I’ve tried I can’t seem to get it working, some of my tries even resulted in a worse distance from the cursor. Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong here? (Marked the code with: PROBLEM CODE)
my code for checking + the questions/problem code:
extends TextureRect
# Copy, check if can paste, then paste = illusion of drag and drop
# Triggers when you click and drag
func _get_drag_data(at_position: Vector2): # Should return data
# __________________________________________
# Create preview of what we're dragging
var preview_texture = TextureRect.new()
# Define it's properties so we can see it:
preview_texture.texture = self.texture #make it's texture THIS node's texture
# add the preview to the scene tree (doesn't make visible yet)
var preview = Control.new()
# Set mouse offset - PROBLEM CODE
var mouseOffset :Vector2 = get_global_mouse_position() - global_position
preview_texture.position = Vector2(get_global_mouse_position() - mouseOffset) # PROBLEM CODE
# make preview visible as drag preview
set_drag_preview(preview) # set_drag_preview must accept a control node
# __________________________________________
# delete texture from original data holder (illusion that we picked it up)
self.texture = null
#return what we want to "drag" (basically copy)
return preview_texture.texture
# since we're deleting the og texture we'll return the copy we made in the preview func
# Triggers when you hover over another node with dragged item
func _can_drop_data(at_position: Vector2, data: Variant): # should return a bool
# data is what we're dragging / hovering over? - QUESTION!!!
# Check whether the data can be applied to what we're hovering over
# (basically checks if can succesfully paste)
return data is Texture2D # Will return true/false
# Triggers when you drop held item
func _drop_data(at_position: Vector2, data: Variant) -> void:
# data is what we're dragging/ hovering over? - QUESTION!!!
# Assign that dragged data over what we're hovering over (paste)
self.texture = data
Any help is appreciated,
Thank you for reading!