Help needed with some very basic position things


I feel like this should be super simple but i just dont understand why its working this way. So when i click on the map, i move a flag where i clicked.

Then this bit inside the main node calls on group “guys” to perform the update_target_position

func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
	get_tree().call_group("guys", "update_target_position", flag.global_position)

If i print flag.global_position here, it’s correct and changes when i move the flag
But then, inside the Guy’s script, in the function in question

func update_target_position(target_position):
	flag_pos = target_position

flag_pos prints as (0,0) and does not change if i move it. what am i doing wrong? the exact same script on a different project works without problem

Can you show the entire code?

Nevermind, the checkbox to include my guy in the guys group was unchecked :stuck_out_tongue:
thanks anyway!

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