Godot Version:
Godot 4.2.1
So I don’t really understand how I’m supposed to bind this arguement
no matter the way I wrtite it doesn’t work
I’m trying to get every button in this group get its parent and get the index of the objects I have two out of many methods I tried listed in the ready function I looked at the documentation they changed the API
and I don’t get how to do this specific thing
func _ready():
for button in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("InventorySlotButtons"):
button.connect("pressed", _on_ItemButton_pressed.bind([button.get_parent().get_parent().get_name()]))
#button.pressed.connect(Callable(self, "_on_ItemButton_pressed").bind([button.get_parent().get_parent().get_name]))
func _on_ItemButton_pressed(InventorySlot):
print(“Item Clicked”)
if ImportData.inven_data.has(InventorySlot):
print(“Shet Should Change”)
var icon = “res://Art/Icons/” + ImportData.inven_data[slot][0] + “.png”