How do I chage scenes so I can make a main menu?

Godot Version


The situation

I want to make a main menu for my first project but I can’t figuer out how to chage the curent scene. I dont now the key whord that I need.

Here is a reference of my code:

extends Control

@onready var button = $Button

func _on_button_pressed():
	#load the next scene please =(

You could try using something like this.

var res=load(“res://scene”)
var scene=res.instance()

Then when you are done with that scene,


You should add error checking in it, but it works. This is how I handle my scenes.

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I thought I had it and it gave me a erro. It is not your falt, I probably didn’t understand :upside_down_face:

Here is my code

extends Control

@onready var button = $Button

func _on_button_pressed():
	var res = load("res://scenes")
	var scene = res.instance()

you can use get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://your_scene_here.tscn")

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