Godot Version
`For a couple weeks I have been making a terribly programmed, yet decently fun CO-OP game for me and my brothers, I have been silently reading docs and forums but I have a problem I can’t seem to solve.
UI + local multiplayer seems to be a sore spot for the engine, and I don’t want to invest the effort of programming my own UI system for this giant if statement of a game.
I have an ability selection when the game starts and my idea was to have the players take turns, I read somewhere you can change the joypad that controls the UI, and was gonna do that but now I can’t find it anywhere! Even Chat GPT gave differant answers each time I asked.
TL:DR, here’s the question:
Can you programatically change the joypad that navigates UI?
I’m super sorry if this has been asked already, I couldn’t find it no matter what I searched. Thank you in advance!`
EDIT: I’m look so dumb rn, I just realized it works on the action system.