How do i make a list of all bodies that are in area 2d

Godot Version



at the moment i am trying to write a script where all bodys that get into an area 2d are noted in a list, for example in an array. it is important that i am able to access the whole node so that i can later apply velocity to the note. does anyone have an idea how i can do this? as this is the basis for my project i have nothing to show here yet.

Have you found this answer on repelling objects away form a area2D when the objects are inside it by mrcdk?

Here’s the relevant documentation on get_overlapping_areas and get_overlapping_bodies Area2D — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

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When the body enters the area, append it to array. When it leaves, remove is from the array.

Loop through the array to apply velocity to each of the bodies.

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