Godot Version
4.0.2 stable
Hello community. Lately I’ve faced with one unpleasant problem. For some reason i cannot change size of a text using “[size=]…[/size]” in code. I would be very greatful if you could give me the suggestion of this issue. Oh, and also is it possible to make the same shadow like the line has above the common text in the screenshot? Thank you all in advance
extends RichTextLabel
func _ready():
var rich_text = "[font=res://SuperLegendBoy-4w8Y.ttf][size=9][color=blue]Mobility:[/color][color=white] medium (3/5)
[color=red]Defence:[/color][color=white] medium (cannot stun
but can cause damage) (3/5)[/color]
[color=green]Vitality:[/color][color=white] 5/5 (has a shield)[/color]
[color=yellow]Support:[/color][color=white] 2/5[/color][/size][/font]"
text = rich_text