How to make my area2d position snap to tile size and follow mouse position at same time?

Godot Version



how to make my area2d position snap to tile size and follow mouse position at same time?
i want my area2d follow my mouse and my cursor more or less in middle of my area2d.
it working if my area2d size like 32, 96 , but if size lie 64,128 it wont snap anymore.

my tile size 32x32
this my code

func cursor_pos() -> void :
	var new_pos : Vector2 = tile_map.map_to_local( tile_map.local_to_map( get_global_mouse_position() )) 
	cursorAreaBase.global_position = new_pos

thank you, its work.

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I’m trying to make a game board ala chess / checkers. I have my board pieces that I’m trying to place in a grid. Can I use this same get_rect().size to get the size of the cell to programmatically build the gameboard to variable height x width.

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