How to make my globals script have autocomplete?

I want to have it so I can get my GUI and Word3D variables children with autocomplete.
I’ve only tried adding @tool at the top, but that doesn’t work.
Is it even possible to do this?
The Script in Question:

class_name GameRoot extends Node

@onready var world3D:Node3D = %World3D
@onready var gui:Control = %GUI
@onready var HBox:HBoxContainer = $GUI/PanelContainer/HBoxContainer 

@onready var pistol := load("res://Scenes/Pistol.tscn")
@onready var ak := load("res://Scenes/AK.tscn")

const PLAYER := preload("res://Scenes/Player.tscn")
@onready var local_player:Player

func _init() -> void: = self
func _ready() -> void:
	if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
		#Spawn the local player
		local_player = PLAYER.instantiate() as Player

If your GUI and World3D nodes have scripts on them with a class_name you can define their type as that class name instead of base node types

@onready var world3D: World3DClassName = %World3D
@onready var gui : GuiClassName= %GUI

If they do not then you could preload the scripts as a type

const World3DClassScript = preload("res://")
@onready var world3D: World3DClassScript = %World3D
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Oh sorry, I didn’t mention how those were Node3D and Control, without any scripts attached to them.

I usually use them and get_node() my way into finding one of their children, but this feels dangerous and I’m not sure if there is a way to add autocomplete to them.

If your answer already answered my question, please specify more accurately how I can achieve this, otherwise my bad for not mentioning that in the post :pensive:

You will have to use get_node to get their children, or %GUI/ChildName. Autocomplete for children nodes is a best-attempt system, no reason scripts should understand the scene heirarchy on their own.

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