How to make scrolling texture in visual shader?

Godot Version

4.3 stable


` how to make scrolling texture in visual shader ?
in my game i was trying to make scrolling textuer use only visual shader but in when i did the same as fire shader in youtube it didn’t work so i delete that one and start new one here is images for it

here you see i want to fire text and the fire didn’t work


Looks like you are just missing an offset value in the UVFunc node, right now the panning isn’t working because it’s using 0 as the offset value over time.

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so how can i do that can you help

I couldn’t get the UVFunc Panning to work, but this is how it’s done with just using Time to offset the UV’s:

You can take it further with adding a Multiply to increase or decrease the amount that time offsets the UVs over time, and the directions you want to scroll it all. Right now it’s scrolling to the right as the X input in the Vector2 being created is the U in UV space.

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so it still not working i try you setup but useing noize and not image also it not showing me moving and the panning is it bug or they just add all UV in textuer i don’t know

as you can see not moving also i try to see in the button that make you the VShader into normal shader but it not make the same function in it look here

here i did the setup but not working

If you want it to scroll vertically, you’ll need to plug the time into the Y of the VectorCompose, which is the V (up/down) of the UVs.

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so why it not moving all of shaders in others made the time move the texture
but here is not please can you explain this

thanks you real thanks man it work i just need to run the app then it run good thanks also can we report bug the Vshader not make the time move the textuer i also connect and diecnnect alot of times that godot just close

Oh ok, good it works.

I did also have a problem with it updating in the editor, and to test it I ran the game, then it seemed to update in the editor, so maybe it has to compile.

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good point so it is bug or not ?
what i meant is it do that automatic without need of someone to compile

Probably not a bug but part of how the Visual Shader editor works, I know in unreal when you make a shader graph change it will always recompile the shader, so it’s probably the same deal.

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so do we ask godot dav to add compiler in godot just like idea what you think