Godot Version 4.3
I’ve made a shader to dynamically change the rgb values of two colors on a sprite. This functions as intended, but I want to be able to change those values during runtime with _ready(). I’ve seen several approaches accomplishing this online, none of which have seemed to work for me. Either producing an error or simply leaving the sprite unchanged. I am still a novice so any and all help is appreciated.
-Shader Code-
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 original_0: source_color;
uniform vec4 original_1: source_color;
uniform vec4 replace_0: source_color;
uniform vec4 replace_1: source_color;
const float precision = 0.1;
vec4 swap_color(vec4 color){
vec4 original_colors[2] = vec4[2] (original_0, original_1);
vec4 replace_colors[2] = vec4[2] (replace_0, replace_1);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++) {
if (distance(color, original_colors[i]) <= precision){
return replace_colors[i];
return color;
void fragment() {
COLOR = swap_color(texture(TEXTURE, UV));
-Current Unsuccessful Implementation-
extends StaticBody2D
func _ready():
$AnimatedSprite2D.material.set(“shader_paramater/original_0”, Vector4(0.00, 0.34, 0.97, 1.00))
$AnimatedSprite2D.material.set(“shader_paramater/original_1”, Vector4(0.00, 0.00, 0.73, 1.00))
$AnimatedSprite2D.material.set(“shader_paramater/replace_0”, Vector4(0.00, 0.34, 0.97, 1.00))
$AnimatedSprite2D.material.set(“shader_paramater/replace_1”, Vector4(0.00, 0.00, 0.73, 1.00))