Godot Version
Godot 4.2
How do i reparent the sword object to a bone attachment, and how do i reparent it back to swordhand? Please help
Godot 4.2
How do i reparent the sword object to a bone attachment, and how do i reparent it back to swordhand? Please help
Seems like this would work for parenting it one way, does it give you an error? What goes wong with this code?
If you store a reference to the sword you can easily reparent it many times
For your use case you might want to use the second parameter keep_global_transform
@onready var sword: Node3D = $Armature/Skeleton3D/SwordHand/Sword
sword.reparent($Armature/Skeleton3D/SwordBack, false)
sword.reparent($Armature/Skeleton3D/SwordHand, false)
Thanks!!!1 it works