Can you show more code or a picture? Node3D’s rotation property is in radians how much each axis rotates, a normal value being plugged into this will basically never be useful. My first thought is to use look_at with the normal as the UP direction and then make the character look the direction they are moving.
var wall_norm := get_slide_collision(0).get_normal()
var forward := velocity + global_position
model.look_at(forward, wall_norm)
if is_on_wall() and not is_on_floor():
anim_tree.set("parameters/conditions/slidingonwall", true)
anim_tree.set("parameters/conditions/jumping", false)
anim_tree.set("parameters/conditions/grounded", false)
var wall_norm := get_slide_collision(0).get_normal()
var forward := velocity + global_position
model.look_at(forward, wall_norm)
can_walljump = true
causes the character to slide onto the wall sideways, causing only the character’s feet to be touching the wall during the animation
I’m looking for a result like this
Up to how you animate. You will need to play around with look_at or find a new equation that works for your animation.
Going back to your original idea we could get an angle for just the Y axis based on the normal vector. This will look strange for walls that are slanted; rather than straight up.
var wall_norm := get_slide_collision(0).get_normal()
var y_rotation := atan2(wall_norm.y, wall_norm.x)
model.rotation.y = y_rotation