I’m working on a game and have hit a roadblock when attempting to save the game state.
As in
Saving the player data (current health, current shield amount, etc.)
Enemy data (if the enemy has been killed or not)
Loot box data (whether the loot box has been destroyed or not)
when saving at a checkpoint.
And load the saved data when the player hits the “Continue” button in the game’s Main menu.
Currently, I was able to save the player data using resources.
But I can’t seem to figure out how to save and load other game data.
Any assistance and guidance would be much appreciated.
If code snippets and/or tutorials that relate to this question can be provided, it would be really helpful.
place in anywhere constant like autoload/class_name static method
idk how you organized your data but I prefer to store all data related to entity in var _internal:={}
so if you want to save data, every entity should have var UID int or String
var save_data:={
you may group all enemy nodes using .add_to_group() if it a node
and then
var save_data:={
for node in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(&'enemies'):
this will fill data about enemies, do same for the rest
and then you may save it as described in post #2
after you loaded dict data from disk
add enemies in for cycle
for key in save_data.keys():
var enemy=enemy_scene.instantiate()
Godotneers made a really thorough and easy to follow video on the topic of making save states in Godot. I really recommend it. Serializing for saving is usually quite a lot of work one way or another.