How to track and change a variable across multiple scenes?

Godot 4.3

I’m trying to put a health variable across multiple scenes; at first I thought it wasn’t possible, and I just copied the health variable from one scene to another because the only thing changing the variable was the spacebar (which was a placeholder). So for an example on the main scene, that was the code:

var health = 100

func _ready() -> void:
	$Health.text = "Health: " + str(health)
	$Health.modulate = Color.WHITE
func _input(event):
	if event.is_action_pressed("Space") and health >= 10:
		$Health.modulate = Color.RED
		await get_tree().create_timer(0.15).timeout
		health -= 10
		$Health.modulate = Color.WHITE
		$Health.text = "Health: " + str(health)

The player code would be like this:

var health = 100
#other code
func _input(event):
	if event.is_action_pressed("Space") and health >= 10:
		health -= 10
#other code
		if health <= 0:

func death ():
	$CollisionShape2DA.disabled = true"Death")

But that couldn’t work when I made the enemy scene, and I barely understood signals from Brackeys.
So I watched this tutorial and inferred Autoloads are the same as globals, but when I implemented the tutorial on to my code, it gave me this error message

How can I fix this?

(I might’ve put too many details but I’m not sure what’s necessary and what’s not; I’ve only started a few days ago.)

For such variables, the best way is to use a global script, create a new script, put the variable in it, and add it with a custom name (e.g. Global) in the project settings in the Autoloads tab, now just use to point it. Example:

# in

var health = 100
# in

func _ready() -> void:
	$Health.text = "Health: " + str(
	$Health.modulate = Color.WHITE
func _input(event):
	if event.is_action_pressed("Space") and health >= 10:
		$Health.modulate = Color.RED
		await get_tree().create_timer(0.15).timeout -= 10
		$Health.modulate = Color.WHITE
		$Health.text = "Health: " + str(health)

This method works without errors, but your warning is not necessarily related to this, as it is written in the debugger you can use this line:



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I already have the global script but I tried your way and the 3 issues disappeared
but another issue popped up:
Screenshot 2025-01-15 141436
I’m not sure what it means, but it pointed at the line that includes “elif.”

if is_on_floor():
			if direction == 0:"Idle")
elif health >= 10 and not is_on_floor():"Jump")

This error shows that health is not an int, I don’t understand why, but:
If you’re using a global health maintenance you can use here as well, or if that’s true, use int(health)

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It now says “breakpoint” while still pointing to this code:

elif int( >= 10 and not is_on_floor():

This is because you accidentally added a break point on this line, this will show up in the form of a red circle on the left side of the line, which will be disabled if you click on it.

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There are no errors anymore, but the enemy doesn’t decrease the health variable upon contact with the player.

(Also thanks alot for your help)

This is probably because you haven’t changed all the health to

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