I cannot bake NavMesh in my Main Scene

Godot Version

Godot 4.3 Stable


NavMesh is not baking when I click on the button

I am an student, trying to make first person shooter game from scratch watching tutorials when needed, as I progressed further i started to encounter issues. One of them is NavMesh is not generating when I press Bake Navmesh ,
the scene tree can be seen in posts below.

As I used Cube for the ground , whose scaling is provided below:

I did make groups of objects of similar types in MultiMeshInstance3d nodes to reduce Draw-Calls , which I saw on YouTube and Applied Occlusion-Culling whenever I could.
Please help a student out :disappointed_relieved:

Edit :frowning: There are few variations)

what options did you set up for the navigation region 3d?

Most of the values are default, only,
Agents : Max Slope = 60deg.
So the enemy can run over a certain object.

By default the NavigationRegion3D parses all its child nodes but in that image there are no child nodes of that region.

With that SceneTree positioning of the NavigationRegion3D to do anything you would need to switch the NavigationMesh to bake by source geometry group name and add that group name to all the nodes that should be baked. That way you can place them anywhere.


Yes, I figured that out , everything with the collisions , shall be child node of Navigation Region 3d, so, it would map according to all the objects with collisions, so that Agent could make its way through them.

Child node is one way to do it. As smix8 mentioned you can also use Groups. Just put every node you want to consider for your navmesh in the group with the same name as you put into the navregion node

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As this is my first project and I honestly don’t know how to do that. If any problem arises in this method, I’ll try that method mentioned by @smix8 .

And thank-you both @herrspaten and @smix8 for your time :innocent:

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