Godot Version
Hey all! I was trying to make a multiplayer game on Godot 4. It was all going so smooth until I found out that my ISP doesn’t UPnP. May I know if there is anything else I can try to implement high level multiplayer to play with friends via internet? I really appreciate your guys help!
Your ISP doesn’t control UPnP, its a feature of the router you use to connect to your ISP. Your router may still not have UPnP, but you don’t need it to make a multiplayer games. you just need to manually port forward, or use with something called UDP punchthrough.
You can do local discovery via the ipv4/6 broadcast channel, but this may or may not be blocked by the router and OS.
you can allow individuals to enter ip addresses manually.
Actually, My bad. My router does support UPnP and I got rid of the first error by disabling the firewall. But I am getting a new error “Invalid Gateway error” this time.
Have you tried restarting the network after the change?
You mean, turning it off and on? Or something like resetting the router?
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