Godot Version
I am trying to use the is_class
function to determine what nodes in my scene extend from a given class. However, the is_class
function, a built-in function of all Object
s, specifically ignores class_name declarations in the object’s script.
Is there any alternative to this function that does account for custom classes?
Here is an example:
extends Node
class_name MyCustomClass
func _ready() -> void:
print(is_node_of_class(self, "MyCustomClass")) # Should print true
# Examples of what I don't want
print(self.is_class("MyCustomClass")) # Prints false regardless of class_name declaration
print(self.is_class("Node")) # Prints true regardless of class_name declaration
func is_node_of_class(node: Node, class_string: String) -> bool:
... # Return true if the node inherits from that class, otherwise false
You can use if object is ClassName:
I’m sorry, I should have been more specific. I do not want to use that syntax so that I can pass a string into a function. Example:
func is_node_of_class(node: Node, class_string: String) -> bool:
... # Return true if the node inherits from that class, otherwise false
How did you declare class_name. It should be like this: class_name MyClass extends SomeClass:
Yes, I declare class_name
using that syntax. The problem is that the function is_class
specifically disregards class_name
declarations. I updated my example code.
just another thought. although it would be a hack, but if you are desperate you can use Meta properties.
extends Button
class_name MyCustomClass
const CLASS_NAME="MyCustomClass"
func _ready() -> void:
set_meta(CLASS_NAME, get_class())
var x=Area2D.new()
print(is_node_of_class(x, CLASS_NAME)) #Area2D is not
var y=CheckBox.new()
print(is_node_of_class(y, CLASS_NAME)) # Checkbox is of class
func is_node_of_class(node: Node, class_string: String) -> bool:
return node.is_class(get_meta(class_string))
Note that there’s an GH issue open for this thing.
I’ve worked around this by using var names and check for var existence. E.g.
# Mover.gd
extends Character
class_name Mover
var class_mover = null
# Character.gd
extends Node2D
class_name Character
var class_character = null
is_object_inherit_from_class(obj, class_str):
var _class_name = "class_%s" % class_str.to_lower()
if _class_name in obj:
return true
return false
Bit ugly, but I really needed it.