Is it possible to have an abstract class that defined an Area3D Node and have the inherited classes use this Node?

Godot Version



Suppose I have an abstract Enemy class that holds common attributes, common behaviors and an Area3D used for checking whether it got hit, is it possible to have the inherited class inherit the Area3D Node of the abstract class?

I have 10 enemy types, and they inherited from this abstract class, I see that they inherited the class and such, but not the Area3D node. Right now, each enemy type has its own Area3D and a Signal for whether a bullet entered its Area3D. While this works, this combination of ( body entered signal function, Area3D Node with Collision Shape 3D ) got repeated 10 times. And down the road, if I created more enemy types, this will also be repeating as well. And if I decide to change something here, this means I will have to modify this N times…

In Godot 4, what would be a better/preferable way to do this?