Issues with saving images

Godot Version



It’s exacly what it sounds like, i just can’t figure out how to save an image given by the player.
This is my scene:

and if a player drops an image from their file into the window, the image goes to that big gray square (that works). Unfortunately i don’t know how to save that image in the files for it to be stored, in a way that it’s still “there” if i close the game and open it back up.

This is the code i have in the place you drop the image:
(i tried to make the path reference both an image resource (.tres) and a png, and neither worked)

@onready var img: TextureRect = $TextureRect

func _ready() -> void:
	img.texture = load_img()

func changeImage(files):
	var imag =
	var tex =
	var err = imag.load(files[0])
	if err:
		# play a error sound or something
	img.texture = tex

func save_img():

func load_img():
	var file = Image.load_from_file("res://sheet_floder/pic.png")
	return file

Ok… saving an image to res: is problamatic when deploying your game since it is packed… so you should user instead… This will (in windows) locate to c:\users{winuser}\appdata\romaing\godot.. and something like your project name…

extends Control

@onready var img: TextureRect = $TextureRect
const SAVE_PATH = "user://saved_image.png"

func _ready() -> void:
    # Connect the files_dropped signal
    # Try to load existing image on startup

func change_image(files: PackedStringArray) -> void:
    # Check if we received any files
    if files.size() == 0:
    var image =
    var err = image.load(files[0])
    if err != OK:
        print("Error loading image: ", err)
    # Create texture from image
    var texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
    img.texture = texture
    # Save the image

func save_img() -> void:
    if img.texture:
        # Get the image from the texture
        var image = img.texture.get_image()
        # Save to user directory
        var err = image.save_png(SAVE_PATH)
        if err != OK:
            print("Error saving image: ", err)

func load_img() -> void:
    if FileAccess.file_exists(SAVE_PATH):
        var image =
        var err = image.load(SAVE_PATH)
        if err != OK:
            print("Error loading saved image: ", err)
        var texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
        img.texture = texture
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works almost perfectly! care to explain why saving the img to in the res:// folder is problematic?
Also, how can i adress this warning?

it says this wont work on export

Godot is constant scanning new stuff in its " repository"… So dynamic stuff like this you could better leave " external ". Or after every “drop” … you would need to restart the engine to scan the new images in your project… But i think that is not the usecase for that :wink:

what about the warning?

If this is an image that should come with your game by default:

Import the image into your project properly through the FileSystem dock
Instead of using Image.load_from_file(), use load() to load it as a resource:

gdscriptCopyfunc load_img():
return load(“res://sheet_folder/pic.png”)

If this is an image that should be modifiable by the player:

Save it to the user directory instead of res://:

gdscriptCopyfunc save_img():
var save_path = OS.get_user_data_dir() + “/pic.png”

func load_img():
var save_path = OS.get_user_data_dir() + “/pic.png”
if FileAccess.file_exists(save_path):
var image = Image.load_from_file(save_path)
if image:
return ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
return null

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Does this give you an answer ?

Because in exported version the res:// folder can be read-only, so you never save things in res://, use user:// folder for save external files.

The warning probably is because you’re using the project paths with Image.load(), when Godot export the projects, the files inside can be remapped/renamed so you’ll not find the files you want like this.

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it does! tysm for the help!

and thanks for the explanation!

one other thing, sorry for bothering
I’ve tried searching for the file itself in the file manager but i can’t seem to find it, how do i dig it up? Also, is it good practice to abuse of this method? just importing and saving multiple images like this? or should i create a folder or something

in windows (assumption here) the user:// points to C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata{Projectname}

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