Iterate over a folder of the users machine?

Godot Version



I have been making a very simple mp3 player and have gotten to the point I can add files through filesystem via clicking or control clicking In a filedialog. I can shuffle songs, save and load a playlist, it will also highlight the itemlist of the current song.

I can’t seem to nail down after trial and error how to just load a directory/folder and have it load the mp3s only by just selecting the folder. I tried Dir and Directory from a few examples but it either errors or ask if I mean DirAccess.

This is the one I have working thet has the one select or control select.

func _on_fd_open_files_selected(paths):
	for path in paths:
		var snd_file =, FileAccess.READ) # Open path and read from the file
		var stream = # Create a new MP3 Audio stream = snd_file.get_buffer(snd_file.get_length()) # Load entire song into memory(not ideal)
		snd_file.close() # Close file.
		$ = stream  # The loaded song in memory

		# Add the selected song to the queue
		#Add songs to itemlist
		var file_name_without_extension = path.get_file().get_basename()

You need to use DirAccess

You can use the static function DirAccess.get_files_at(). You can also use DirAccess.get_files()

If you want to manually iterate through the files the documentation page has an example.


I thank you for the heads up on that. I am still having a go of it… but maybe like last time I might have a “oh this set of instructions”! kind of moment and have a burst of progress.

In all honesty I also need to tidy and reorganize the code as well. Redo the notes and everything. So the same notes aren’t used over and over and they are more concise.

Hi, I got folder loading to work. I’m sure this is no where near the correct method but it is working. Thank you again for the lead on the DirAccess.

## Function to load music from a folder
func _on_fd_ope_nfolder_dir_selected(path):
	var dirc =
	if dirc:
		var file_name = dirc.get_next()
		while file_name != "":
			if not dirc.current_is_dir():
				# Check if the file is an MP3 file
				if file_name.get_file().ends_with(".mp3"):
					print("Found MP3 file: " + file_name)
					# Add the file path to the music array
					musicarray.append(dirc.get_current_dir() + "/" + file_name)
			file_name = dirc.get_next()

		# Play the first song if the array is not empty
		if musicarray.size() > 0:
		print("An error occurred when trying to access the path.")