Godot Version
I am trying to change self_modulate to start at the color red, and gradually shift towards blue as each enemy (spawner) is destroyed. When there are no enemies alive, the last parameter becomes 0. When I set it to 0 in ready, it works as intended. However, when it changes via the signal, instead of becoming more blue, it becomes more black. What’s the problem, and how do I fix it? Code below.
extends TileMapLayer
signal spawner_death
var max_spawners: float = 0.0
var spawners_left: float
var start_color := Color.FIREBRICK
var end_color := Color.DEEP_SKY_BLUE
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
for child in get_parent().get_children():
if child.has_method("is_spawner"):
max_spawners += 1.0
spawners_left = max_spawners
self_modulate = end_color.lerp(start_color, spawners_left / max_spawners)
func _on_spawner_death() -> void:
spawners_left -= 1
self_modulate = end_color.lerp(start_color, spawners_left / max_spawners)
Thank you.
try to debug:
print("weight:" + str(spawners_left / max_spawners))
Docs: Color — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English
The interpolation factor weight should be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)
The weight is set to what it should be, so I don’t think that’s the issue.
debugging helps, even if you think everything is correct
my 'lerp' tests GD-Script
extends Node2D
var max_spawners: float = 0.0
var spawners_left: float
var start_color := Color.FIREBRICK
var end_color := Color.DEEP_SKY_BLUE
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
max_spawners += 1.0
max_spawners += 1.0
max_spawners += 1.0
spawners_left = max_spawners
spawners_left -= 1
spawners_left -= 1
spawners_left -= 1
spawners_left -= 1
print("max_spawners: ", max_spawners)
print("spawners_left: ", spawners_left)
print("weight: ", str(spawners_left / max_spawners))
self_modulate = end_color.lerp(start_color, spawners_left / max_spawners)
print("end_color: ", end_color)
print("self_modulate: ", self_modulate)
For example, if spawners_left
is negative (“-1”), then a negative weight
is calculated. Then some color components can also be negative. If the color is invalid, then often only the black color is displayed.
max_spawners: 3
spawners_left: -1
weight: -0.33333333333333
end_color: (0, 0.749, 1, 1)
self_modulate: (-0.2327, 0.9542, 1.2889, 1)
What happens when max_spawners is 0? Is the dividing by zero erroring out or not being caught?
Seems like your parameters are flipped if you want start_color
when 0
and end_color
when 1
. Modulate can only multiply colors so it can be difficult to brighten an image if your texture is already dark.
self_modulate = start_color.lerp(end_color, spawners_left / max_spawners)