Make Planting System

extends Node2D

@onready var canvas_modulate = $CanvasModulate
@onready var tileMap : TileMap = $Farmland
@onready var player : Player = $Farmland/player
@onready var grid_helper = $Farmland/GridHelper

const GRID_SIZE = 16

@onready var seed = preload("res://Plant/pumpkin/pumpkin_seed.tscn")

class PlantData :
	var is_harvestable : bool = AgeingComponent.harvestable

var planted : Dictionary = {}

func _ready():
	grid_helper.visible = false

func _on_inventory_gui_closed():
	get_tree().paused = false

func _on_inventory_gui_opened():
	get_tree().paused = true
func _physics_process(_delta):
	var playerMapCoord = tileMap.local_to_map(player.position)
	var mouse_position = Vector2i(get_global_mouse_position() / GRID_SIZE ) * GRID_SIZE
	grid_helper.position = playerMapCoord * GRID_SIZE
	var cellLocalCoord = tileMap.local_to_map(grid_helper.position)
	var tile : TileData = tileMap.get_cell_tile_data(1, cellLocalCoord)
	if tile == null :
		grid_helper.visible = false
	if tile.get_custom_data("HoedLand") :
		var plantCoord = tileMap.local_to_map(grid_helper.global_position)
		grid_helper.visible = true
		if not planted.has(plantCoord) :
		elif is_harvestable(plantCoord) :

func harvest_plant(key) -> void :
	var plant_data : PlantData = planted.get(key)
	if plant_data.is_harvestable :

func is_harvestable(key) -> bool :
	var plant_data : PlantData = planted.get(key)
	return plant_data.is_harvestable if plant_data != null else false
func _plant_seed(coord) -> void :
	var plant = seed.instantiate()
	var plant_data =
	planted[coord] = plant_data
	plant.global_position = tileMap.map_to_local(coord)

this is a main script that control Planting System

extends Node

## Track object age and can replace target scene (usually parent)
## with a new scene after reaching an age_threshold

class_name AgeingComponent

signal age_changed(new_age : float, last_age : float )
signal age_threshold_reached(new_scene : Node2D)

## When set, is the scene that will be replacement with next_scene
## the direct parent will be used
@export var target : Node2D
@export var current_age : float = 0.0 :
	set(value) :
		if (current_age != value) :
			var last_age = current_age
			current_age = value
			emit_signal("age_changed", current_age, last_age)
			if (current_age == age_threshold && _threshold_reached != true) :
				var new_scene : Node2D 
				if (next_scene != null) :
					new_scene = _create_next_scene()
					emit_signal("age_threshold_reached", new_scene)
					_threshold_reached = true
			elif (current_age > age_threshold) :
				harvestable = true
@export var age_threshold : float = 1.0
@export var next_scene : PackedScene

static var group_name = "AgeingComponent"

var _threshold_reached : bool = false
static var harvestable : bool = false

func _ready():
	if (target == null) :
		target = get_parent()

func _create_next_scene() -> Node2D :
	var instance = next_scene.instantiate()
	instance.global_transform = target.global_transform
	return instance

func _harvest() -> void :

this is a Script that control Growing system i watch tutorial on youtube and its not working. I think its because my Growing System is to remove node and create new node. its not a change sprite frame it 1 node. my growing system is working normally. how do i make it can be harvestable

*i watch tutorial on youtube but its not help me solve this problem vey much. *
if anyone know plz guide me and sorry if my grammar is not correct T_T

better if you also share the tutorial you are following

Making a Tiny Gardening game in Godot4 - Resources, TileMap, Inventory (
i watch this to make planting system

Farming & Crop Ageing Mechanics Tutorial for 2D Godot 4 Games - YouTube
and this is growing system