Mouse Position Relative to TileMap

Godot Version



I am attempting to let the player place a tile from a “Place-ables” tilemap, but when the zoom of my camera is anything but 1, the placing freaks out, placing tiles much further away than they should be placed. This is due to global position to tilemap relative position transformation.

How are some ways I could fix this?


extends TileMap

var tilemap_position
var tilemap

var groundlayer = 0
var source_id = 1

func _ready():

func _process(_delta):
func _input(event):
   # Mouse in viewport coordinates.
	tilemap = $"."
	groundlayer = 0
	source_id = 1
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("place"):
		print("Mouse Click at: ", event.position)
		tilemap_position = tilemap.local_to_map(Vector2i(event.position.x -192, event.position.y +120))
		set_cell(0, tilemap_position, source_id, Vector2i(0,0))
		$"../Resources".set_cell(0, tilemap_position, source_id, Vector2i(0,0))


Hi @awt_s I had the same problem and was able to solve the problem with dividing the x and y coordinate position by the camera’s x and y zoom. In your code, it would look like the following

@onready var camera_2d: Camera2D = $"../your_camera_2d/location"
tilemap_position = tilemap.local_to_map(Vector2i(event.position.x / camera_2d.zoom.x -192, event.position.y / camera_2d.zoom.y +120))

Hope that helps

In addition, it would be a good practice to also consider the scale of the TileMap, itself.

@onready var camera_2d: Camera2D = $"../your_camera_2d/location"
tilemap_position = tilemap.local_to_map(
    event.position.x / camera_2d.zoom.x / scale.x -192, 
    event.position.y / camera_2d.zoom.y / scale.y +120