My 2d player doesn't move

Godot Version

I’m totally new to programming, I literally started yesterday, and I used the video “How to make a video game - Godot beginner tutoriel” by “Brackeys”, step by step in Godot 4, just to get a kind of feel for what it’s like to create a game. But when I came to this point at 13:42 in the video, my player didn’t fall like his did. Even after making the CollisionShape2d, nothing happened. And I also couldn’t move with any of the keys, or jump for that matter. It did play the idle animation tho. I don’t know if it’s something in the script, that I haven’t seen, or if it’s something else, like, maybe I haven’t linked up the script with the right scene or something. But I’ve checked all of the code, and I’m pretty sure it looks exactly how it does in his video… If this is a problem anybody knows just the least about, feel free to help me out. Ofc, I am completely new to all of this, and this might just be one little oversight by me, but I am completely lost in what to do…

Here is the screenshot of my project, with the script for the player:

I’m not really sure if this is enough information, but if you wanna help, just ask if there is something more you want to know about my project.

Have you pressed the right keys to move?
Project → Project Settings → Input Map: Here you see the keys assinged to your input-names like “ui_left”, “ui_right” etc.

can you also show the game scene tree?