NavigationRegion2D parsed collision not working


I have a NavigationRegion2D and a static body 2d.
Want to my enemy ( red circle ) detect static one and change the path so it can pass it.
Static object is in layer 1 and I selected this layer in NavigationRegion2D parsed collision but agent not detect the static object.

Your source geometry mode is set to parse child nodes recursively. There are no child nodes below the region.

So you either change that or switch the source geometry mode to work with groupnames, and add those groupnames to the nodes that you want to parse.

Thanks for your answer
I made the changes you mentioned, no diff
Changed source geo mode = group with children
Added group name to my static body 2d

Works fine on my end when I rebuild your setup in a small test scene.

Make sure that you rebake the navmesh and that you have no conflicting navmesh added, e.g. from your tilemap.

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