I’m trying to create a drag and drop inventory system for my point and click game but there’s one small problem. While I can move my item between item slots the moment I drag it anywhere else the item immediately disappears. How can I fix this?
Here’s the code (I would upload a video but it won’t let me):
extends TextureRect
func _get_drag_data(at_position): #Creates a preview from current texture
var preview_texture = TextureRect.new()
preview_texture.texture = texture
preview_texture.expand_mode = 1
preview_texture.size = Vector2(65,65)
var preview = Control.new()
texture = null #Removes the current texture to indicate the item has been picked up
return preview_texture.texture
func _can_drop_data(at_position, data):
return data is Texture2D
func _drop_data(at_position, data):
texture = data
Try using this to check if the item is dragged and dropped successfully:
func _notification(what):
# This make sure that the drag-and-drop operation is complete
if not is_drag_successful():
# When the item is dragged with the "get_drag_data" function, try
# storing the previous slot and the previous item that is dragged by the player
var prev_item = Global.some_item
var prev_slot = Global.some_slot
# Undo slot if player fails dragging or dropping
prev_slot.item = prev_item
prev_slot.amount = prev_item.amount
# Call whatever function you use to update the slots
Of course, you should change the process of undoing the slot according to the way you handle drag-and-drop operations. (The script assumes that the inventory slot and item have their own class and that the slot’s amount is stored with a variable.)