RayCast2D.get_collider() doesn't work if collider is joined with other bodies?

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


Right, so I’ve got a simple player (CharacterBody2D) hanging out on a tile map. Next to the player are a rock (RigidBody2D) and a seesaw (two RigidBody2Ds joined by a PinJoint2D.

Although the player can jump and collide nicely on all three things (the tiles, the rock, and the seesaw), I cannot get GDScript to tell me that there was indeed a collision and give me the type of the collider, when the player touches the seesaw. I’m very new to Godot so I’m not sure this is intended behaviour, a bug, or if I’m just going the wrong way about this (my goal is to detect where the character touches the seesaw with a raycast, and apply a force there to make it tilt).

Here’s the scenes for the player, the rock, and the seesaw:
player scene
rock scene

I’m referencing the RayCast2D attached to my player like so:

@onready var ray = $RayCast2D_down

In the player’s _physics_process(), I have this:

	if ray.is_colliding():
		var collider = ray.get_collider()
		print("Collider type is: ", collider.get_class())

When the player is resting on a tile, it prints:

Collider type is: TileMapLayer

When the player is resting on the rock, it prints:

Collider type is: RigidBody2D

When the player is resting on the seesaw, it prints nothing, which I take as meaning that ray.is_colliding() is returning false for some reason.

How do I detect that the player is indeed touching the seesaw?

Maybe try enable the hit from inside?