Godot Version
4.3 `
I have a 3D scene.
I want to immediately instantiate a number of tiles, corridors and intersections, that all connect to each other.
They have collision shapes associated with them.
So far everything works.
But I don’t want them to overlap each other.
So the way I want it to work is place a tile, check for collision, if collision, remove.
But all the collision checks happen after instancing.
I’ve tried sending signals from the collision boxes to the script.
And to compare the tiles direct_space_state shape and transform to the worlds direct_space_state. And if intersection occurs, remove.
But so far I can’t get it to work, I’ve been stuck on this for two days.
func placeCorridorAtMarker(marker):
corridorList = [tile5, tile10, tile15]
var tileInstance = corridorList.pick_random().instantiate()
tileInstance.position = marker.global_position
tileInstance.rotation = marker.global_rotation
#Check for overlaps before finalizing
if is_tile_overlapping(tileInstance):
print("Overlap detected, removing the new tile.")
print("No overlap, tile added successfully.")
func is_tile_overlapping(tileInstance) -> bool:
# Find the CollisionShape3D within the tile instance
var collision_shape = tileInstance.get_node("MeshInstance3D/Area3D/CollisionShape3D")
if not collision_shape:
print("Error: No CollisionShape3D found in tile!")
return true # Assume overlap if there's no collision shape
# Use the CollisionShape3D's shape and global transform for the test
var shape = collision_shape.shape
if not shape:
print("Error: CollisionShape3D has no shape!")
return true # Treat as overlapping by default (or false if you'd prefer)
var transform = collision_shape.global_transform
# Debug: Print transform and shape info
print("Tile transform: ", transform)
print("Tile shape: ", shape)
# Access the direct space state
var space_state = get_viewport().get_world_3d().direct_space_state
#prepare the physicsShapeQueryParameters3D
var query = PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D.new()
query.shape = shape
query.transform = transform
query.margin = 0.1 # Small margin to handle precision issues
var result = space_state.intersect_shape(query, 32) # Max 32 results
if result.size() > 0:
print("Overlap detected! Result: ", result)
return true # Overlap detected
print("No overlap, tile added successfully.")
return false # No overlap