Godot Version
Reparenting with tweens active makes them snap to their destinations.
Or at least that’s what i THINK the problem is. Im making a card game and i’m having issues with playing the cards: When reparenting a card object from the player’s hand to the playground, if the card has a tween affecting them, the tween instantly ends, sending the card to the tween’s destination, messing up the “keep global transform” aspect of the reparent method.
I have a tween that reorganizes cards in the player’s hand as they hover over them, and part of that is making the card object go back to position (0,0) of the hand object. However, if a card is played while that tween is active, the card gets reparented to the playground object, ending the tween and sending the card to the position (0,0) of the playground, as opposed to the player’s hand. How can i fix that?