Scene class .new function not working

Working with v4.3.stable. I’m a beginner on Godot.

I have a Scene class that handles the scenes for my game, and the .new function is NOT working (evident by the lack of the success marker).

class_name testscene extends Node2D

var Scene = preload("res://assets/scripts/library/scene/")
var is_scene_completable

func _ready() -> void:
	currentScene =
		[Vector2(-1000, 1000), Vector2(1000, -1000)],
class_name Scene extends Node2D
var baseExit = preload("res://assets/scripts/library/scene/")
var newExit

func _init(boundaries: Array[Vector2], defaultPosition: Vector2, currentPlayer: CharacterBody2D, exit: StaticBody2D) -> void:
	SceneValues.boundaries = boundaries # should use get/set functions for this
	SceneValues.defaultPosition = defaultPosition
	SceneValues.currentPlayer = currentPlayer

	newExit =
	print("HELL YEAH") # success marker

overriding _init, especially on Nodes is more trouble than it’s worth. I’d recommend making a different function for settings these values or changing your “Scene” to extend RefCounted. I’m surprised Scene isn’t an existing class name, and on a similar note you do not need to preload the script if it has class_name defined.

I never actually thought that nodes were not empty. Thanks!