Godot Version
To play around with custom post processing shaders, I implemented very naïves “pixelate” and “blur” shaders.
I apply them by adding a CanvasLayer to my 3D scene, with a ColorRect that has the shader in its material.
My pixelate shader works fine and do not affect performance.
Blur, though, cost so much that I instantly go down to 30 FPS even on recent GPU hardware.
I do a loop of 100 iterations in the shader. In each iteration I call “texture()”, which seems to cause the problem (commenting the line solve performance issue). It doesn’t seem that costly to me but I apparently am mistaken.
In your experiences, what is the maximum “complexity” you can use in a shader ? Are there better ways of accessing uniform textures ?
I know there are far better (and documented) ways to implement blur, I just want to clarify my understanding of what is costly and what is not.
Here is said blur shader:
shader_type canvas_item;
const ivec2 size = ivec2(10, 10);
uniform sampler2D screen_texture : hint_screen_texture, repeat_disable, filter_nearest;
void fragment() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.);
for (int x = -size.x / 2; x < size.x / 2; x++) {
for (int y = -size.y / 2; y < size.y / 2; y++) {
vec2 fvec = vec2(ivec2(x, y));
color += texture(screen_texture, UV + SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE * fvec);
color /= float(size.x * size.y);
COLOR = color;
// Called for every pixel the material is visible on.