Godot Version
4.3 beta3
Hello everyone!
I’m trying to write an exhaust plume shader, and I’m using gradients to control both transparency and color. This is the shader:
shader_type spatial;
render_mode cull_disabled, shadows_disabled, ambient_light_disabled;
render_mode alpha_to_coverage;
uniform float exhaust_heat : hint_range(0, 1000);
uniform float throat_radius : hint_range(0, 1);
uniform float exhaust_spread : hint_range(0, 10);
uniform float exhaust_speed : hint_range(0, 10);
uniform float radius_oscilation : hint_range(0, 1);
uniform float scale_factor : hint_range(1, 10) = 1;
uniform sampler2D noise;
uniform sampler2D main_color;
float random() {
return sin(dot(TIME, 12.9898) * 2.0) * radius_oscilation;
void vertex() {
float vertex_position = VERTEX.y;
float offset = throat_radius + vertex_position * (exhaust_spread + random());
VERTEX = NORMAL * offset;
VERTEX.y = vertex_position;
void fragment() {
vec2 uv_scale = vec2(scale_factor, 1.0);
vec2 uv_offset = vec2(0.0, TIME * exhaust_speed);
vec2 new_uv = (UV - vec2(0.5)) * uv_scale + vec2(0.5) + uv_offset;
float noise_texture = dot(texture(noise, new_uv).rgb, vec3(0.5));
vec4 gradient = texture(main_color, UV);
ALBEDO = gradient.rgb;
EMISSION = ALBEDO * exhaust_heat;
ALPHA = noise_texture * gradient.a;
The look is exactly what I need, but there are these weird artifacts at the end of the gradient texture:
If I get closer to the end of the gradient, there are no artifacts, just a clean blend between the exhaust and the background:
My initial guess was that it had something to do with normals. I’ve tried a lot of different configurations: flat, smooth, auto-smooth, etc. All gave the same results. Then I tried disabling the LOD in Godot, still no luck. Now I’m guessing that it may have something to do with mipmaps? I don’t know where else to look.
This is my gradient texture, by the way:
Another thing I’ve noticed is that the larger the gradient texture resolution, the less visible this artifact becomes. However, 1024x1024 is already pretty big for a gradient.