Hello! I wanted to ask if it were possible to let the player be able to add in their own images as they please? To put the idea in the simplest of terms, it would be a dress-up game that the player can add their own creations to. I tried looking around via online, but couldn’t really get a good description? Thank you!
It’s possible, but it might not be the best or safest approach. You should be able to call the load function with the path to the file, even if it is an external file. Take a look at the Image.load() function.
You should be able to let the player place the images in a separate folder at the res:// or user:// directories and then call the function like so var loaded_image = Image.load("res://custom_images/image.png")
My initial thought was to just call the Object.load() function which loads any object from disk. That can obviously be dangerous as it could possibly execute unwanted code and whatnot, but then I found Image.load() in the docs which seems to be quite safe. I didn’t remove that part of my replay just for caution. I don’t really know how all this works in the engine, but loading files from disk hasn’t always been the safest thing. Although Godot has been pretty good with security.