Trying to make Flappy Bird

Godot Version

Godot v4.3.stable - Windows 10.0.26100 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU (NVIDIA; - 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900H (20 Threads)


I’m just starting to learn Godot, and I’m trying to make a game of Flappy Bird as practice. I’ve only scripted this much so far:

extends Node2D

var pos := Vector2(0, 325)
var veloc := 0

func _ready() → void:

func _process(_delta) → void:
$“Bird”.position = pos
veloc += 1

And I’ve already hit a roadblock of confusing error messages…

E 0:28:07:0964 swap_chain_resize: Condition “err != VK_SUCCESS” is true. Returning: ERR_CANT_CREATE
<C++ Source> drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2606 @ swap_chain_resize()

E 0:28:07:0964 @ _process(): Node not found: “Bird” (relative to “/root/Project/Game/Bird”).
<C++ Error> Method/function failed. Returning: nullptr
<C++ Source> scene/main/node.cpp:1792 @ get_node() @ _process()

I’ve been watching tutorials for hours… What am I doing wrong? Am I fucking stupid?

Sounds like your script is on the “Bird” node yes? If so, altering the position inheritly alters the node the script is attached to. You could also use self. The dollar sign is for finding children by name.

Try changing your line to self.position = pos

Make sure to paste your code with proper formatting

Thank you! In the several hours it took to get this post approved I did manage to figure it out myself. But I still appreciate it!