Hi, I’m trying to create and run a server using this code
var server_port = 1610
var max_servers = 5
@onready var peer = ENetMultiplayerPeer.new()
# Called when the node enters the scene
func _ready():
# Function to start the server
func start_server():`Preformatted text`
var result = peer.create_server(server_port, max_servers)
if result != OK:
print("Failed to create server on port - ", server_port, " ", result)
# Set the network peer for the multiplayer system
multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = peer
Im getting the err
E 0:00:00:0837 Authenticate.gd:13 @ start_server(): Couldn't create an ENet host.
<C++ Error> Parameter "host" is null.
<C++ Source> modules/enet/enet_connection.cpp:318 @ _create()
<Stack Trace> Authenticate.gd:13 @ start_server()
Authenticate.gd:8 @ _ready()
I have another project that has the identical code (that proj has port 1609 insted of 1610), and it works so I’m stuck