Godot Version
Pausing just does not work I have no idea what the problem is.
Also there is stretched legs. (It looks fine in editor.)
I wish I could upload a video…
Pausing just does not work I have no idea what the problem is.
Also there is stretched legs. (It looks fine in editor.)
I wish I could upload a video…
What do you mean pausing doesn’t work? Do you pause in code, or in editor, or when does it not work?
What do you mean stretched legs? Have you tried standing up from your desk?
Please provide more details, I’m confused
func _button_pressed():
print(“Button pressed”)
get_tree().set_deferred(“paused”, true)
I’ve tried lots of other configurations, copilot is no help
Also; if it matters I mean stretched wider not longer.
Try this script on your Button, it will allow you to pause and resume the game on each click.
extends Button
func _ready() -> void:
process_mode = Node.PROCESS_MODE_ALWAYS
func _pressed() -> void:
get_tree().paused = not get_tree().paused
About your profile picture - I still don’t understand what you mean, sorry.
Maybe your pressed
signal is not connected.
Could you post a screen shot of the issue you are having?
Make sure to paste code with proper formatting
I changed my profile pic to better represent the bug.
I just realized no one is helping me with the stretched legs part because I marked @wchc’s replily for the pause button part as the Solution:
I hope someone reads this.
What’s the issue with the legs?
The profile picture honestly says nothing to me.
What’s your desired effect?
I got downgraded to a new user after most of my posts were flagged; If you go up a bit my video is still posted.
Edit: I changed my profile picture back.
Show a screenshot of your character’s node setup and your animations.
Are you changing the scale of any of the nodes?
You haven’t answered my question yet
And there is a warning triangle on the Legs node - what does it say? Isn’t it something about the scale?
Maybe you should change the scale of the AnimatedSprite2D children, rather than the RigidBody2D itself. Same with position to some degree, you cannot/should not animate a RigidBody2D by a AnimationPlayer, only through forces.
I’m not changing the size with scripts or animations.