Unexpected Collision With TileMapLayers

Godot Version



I am working on a game where the main player is a rigid body, I added a tile map for the level, but I started noticing some weird interaction:

At the edges of the tiles the RigidBody is detecting an extra collision leading it to bounce around In unexpected ways:

This is what I would expect:

Is there any way to fix this?

That looks like it’s on the edge between two tiles

I know, but it’s making the rigid body bounce of the ground weirdly

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My bad missed in the description, this is a known issue see RigidBody2D inconsistent bounces near the junction between two squared tiles · Issue #76610 · godotengine/godot · GitHub


ok, thanks!

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For anyone Reading also look at this GitHub - popcar2/GodotTilemapBaker: A Godot tool to pre-bake collisions on square Tilemaps!

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