var MAXENERGY = 400
var energy: int
var cursor: Vector2
var cost: int
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
var distance = ((position.x - cursor.x) ** 2 + (position.y - cursor.y) ** 2) ** 0.5
cursor = get_global_mouse_position()
cost = 0.2 * distance
if energy < MAXENERGY:
energy += 1
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("LClick"):
if energy >= cost:
verticalspeed = 0
currentspeed = 0
position = Vector2(cursor)
energy -= cost
print("Not enough energy") `
So basically this allows the character to teleport to the cursor on click when it has enough energy (it regens over time), however now the problem is that it can clip through thin walls (currently using StaticBody2D and CollisionBody2D as simple ones). Any tips on how can edit this so it does not go through walls anymore?
Unrelated to your clipping problem, I noticed you’ve tied your energy regen to the frame rate, the higher the frame rate the faster you’ll gain energy. You should multiply the energy gain by the delta passed into _process
if energy < MAXENERGY:
energy += 1 * _delta
This would make everyone gain 1 energy per second regardless of framerate. You can adjust the constant (1 in this case) to gain more or less energy per second.
Sorry if you already knew this and were just prototyping/trying stuff out. Thought I’d mention as you signed off as a Godot newbie