What Does this error supposed to mean?

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.1


I’m building my game and I’m getting this error. It’s linked to my in game ui. Godot is not loading the control node linked to my in game ui for some reason. Please help…

Failed to instantiate scene state of “res://Levels/Game UI/game_ui.tscn”, node count is 0. Make sure the PackedScene resource is valid.

It’s telling you that the scene file is pretty much empty. Scene files (.tscn) can go funny. Open it in a text editor and see if you can spot any weird stuff. (make a copy first).

If you like, past the scene (text) here.

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Yeah. If you’ve not fixed it already, can you post your project somewhere so I can run it and see?

  • Make sure the scene and the path to it are correct
  • Close the editor and delete the .godot folder inside your project folder, then start the editor and try again

I rechecked whole game_ui node some of my variables were misbehaving. It’s an error which I’ve found with both python and godot as I worked with them. The variable name needs to change every couple of days so to keep check if they are working as intended.