Godot Version
I want a character to move by controlling his jetpack. I ded this and the code worked fine on my laptop, but when i uploaded it to my phone it was going too fast. then, when i turned battery saving mode on, on my phone, whitch decreases the framerate, the character was too slow. I’ve been trying to multiply the final velocity with delta (and with 62 so then the speed isnt much different), but that doesnt seem to work because when i turn battery saving mode on, it goes faster than without battery saving mode.Can someone tell me what should i multiply with delta ? this is the code:
extends CharacterBody2D
const TYPE = "leo"
var gravity = 100
var rightjet = 0
var leftjet = 0
var horright = 0
var horleft = 0
var dontgoagain = false
var locleorot = global.leorot
var locleowind = global.leowind
var bumped = false
var sidebumped = false
func _process(delta):
if Input.is_action_pressed("leoright"):
dontgoagain = false
leftjet = move_toward(leftjet, 500, 5 )
rightjet = move_toward(rightjet, 350, 3.2 )
$RightLeoFire.visible = true
$RightLeoFire.visible = false
if Input.is_action_pressed("leoleft"):
dontgoagain = false
rightjet = move_toward(rightjet, 500, 5 )
leftjet = move_toward(leftjet, 350, 3.2 )
$LeftLeoFire.visible = true
$LeftLeoFire.visible = false
if not Input.is_action_pressed("leoleft") and not Input.is_action_pressed("leoright"):
if not is_on_ceiling() :
leftjet = leftjet * 0.97
rightjet = rightjet * 0.97
if dontgoagain == false:
horleft = leftjet
horright = rightjet
leftjet = 0
rightjet = 0
dontgoagain = true
gravity = move_toward(gravity, 400, 3.5 )
gravity = 100
horright = horright * 0.95
horleft = horleft * 0.95
locleorot = global.leorot
locleowind = global.leowind
if locleorot == 0:
velocity = Vector2((((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)) +locleowind), (0 - abs((rightjet - leftjet) - rightjet)) + gravity )#this is where i was trying to multiply with delta
rotation = ((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)) * 0.003
if locleorot == 90:
velocity = Vector2( ((0 - abs((rightjet - leftjet) - rightjet)) + gravity) * -1 +locleowind, ((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)))
rotation = (((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)) * 0.003) +1.55
if locleorot == 180:
velocity = Vector2(((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft))*-1 +locleowind, ((0 - abs((rightjet - leftjet) - rightjet)) + gravity)*-1)
rotation = (((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)) * 0.003) +3.125
if locleorot == 270:
velocity = Vector2( ((0 - abs((rightjet - leftjet) - rightjet)) + gravity) +locleowind, ((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft))*-1)
rotation = (((rightjet + horright) - (leftjet + horleft)) * 0.003) +4.7
$bumpsfx.volume_db = abs(velocity.y) / 10 - 45
if is_on_ceiling() or is_on_floor():
if not bumped:
bumped = true
bumped = false
if is_on_wall():
if not sidebumped:
$bumpsfx.volume_db += -4
sidebumped = true
sidebumped = false
func playfiresfx():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("leoleft"):
await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout
if Input.is_action_just_released("leoleft"):
if not Input.is_action_pressed("leoleft") and not Input.is_action_pressed("leoright"):
func playrfiresfx():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("leoright"):
await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout
if Input.is_action_just_released("leoright"):
if not Input.is_action_pressed("leoright") and not Input.is_action_pressed("leoleft"):
func _on_hurtbox_body_entered(_body):
Engine.time_scale = 0.1
await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout
Engine.time_scale = 1.0