Whats the best way to implement a bullet Hell in a 2D top down game

Godot Version

Godot 4.3.stable


I am currently making a 2D top down game, and in combat you will be in a box, dodging enemy projecitles and attacks. Currently, I have written down the coordinates of the sides of the box and when I spawn a projectile I say "Spawn_arrow(430, 55) with the parameters being the x and y axis respectively. I have thought about other ways to do this becuase this does seem tedious, but so far I havent found a better way do this, so I wanna ask around if maybe I am missing the best way to do this.
attack pattern
spawn arrow

Thank you guys

Do you want to randomize positions of your arrows? Or do they have to be as you have specified in code?
If you want to randomize, then you could write a simple for loop that creates arrows in random positions using randi_range() function for your X and Y coordinates.
If you want to predefine the positions, you can store a list of positions in an Array[Vector2] and then iterate through the array with a for loop to spawn arrows in these positions.