Godot Version
I am making a tile-based game (well let’s call it a prototype) and so I have a big array of tiles. I made a Tile class here that should work:
class_name Tile extends Object
var id: int
var pos: Vector2i
var owner: int = 0
var building_id: String # Probably not gonna be a string!
var elevation: int = 0
func _init(_id: int, map_size: Vector2i, _owner: int = 0, _elevation: int = 0,
_building_id: String = "empty") -> void:
id = _id
pos = Vector2i(_id % map_size.x, floor(_id / map_size.y)) #malo by fungovat
owner = _owner
elevation = _elevation
building_id = _building_id
print("Tile created: id=", id, " pos=", pos, " owner=", owner, " elevation=", elevation)
I then create a bunch of tiles here:
extends Node
var master_board: Array = [Tile] # Vsetky tiley, bud proste dlhy array alebo arraye (riadky) tileov
const MAP_SIZE = Vector2i(10,10)
func _ready() -> void:
for i in range(0, MAP_SIZE.x*MAP_SIZE.y):
var tile = Tile.new(i, MAP_SIZE)
Now I hope I’m not completely misunderstanding the topic, but there’s no reason why something like this shouldn’t work.
extends TileMapLayer
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
for i in range(Board.master_board.size()):
var t = Board.master_board[i]
set_cell(t.pos, 0, Vector2i(0,0))
However when I try to access any of the properties, it throws this error:
Invalid access to property or key 'pos' on a base object of type 'GDScript'.
Again, I hope I’m not misunderstanding the topic but WHY? How else am I supposed to do things? Thanks for any help!