3d particle shader with randomly sampled areas of a mesh on the screen

Godot Version



i’m looking into creating a “destruction” particle effect that would be some simple 3d planes falling, but the trick is their texture would be a randomly sampled area of an object visible on the screen
kind of difficult to explain with words so here is the thought process:

in other words it takes in a viewport from the camera, removes everything but the object, takes resulting image and splits it into random areas of the image (pieces) as a gpu particle

i dont really know where to start with this or if this is even possible in godot so i’m looking for some advise

Hi! I don’t know how to do this, but I’m interested in something similar too. Did you find a way of achieving this effect? Thanks!

unfortunately, no.
i can give you a rough explanation of how it could work though, being more simple but the effect would be indistinguishable (almost)

in short instead of sampling the screen for the “pieces” of the mesh, you use a gpuparticle3d with quads as a mesh set to particle billboard mode and the texture of that mesh being the same texture as the object you “destroy”. it will work like an animation sprite, so put h_frames and v_frames amount to your liking and randomise the offset with process material

That’s nice, thanks!