Noise texture not appearing

Godot Version



I’m following the tutorial and on the part about creating a 2D flame, it uses two noise textures that scrolls to different directions.
Here is my code:

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform sampler2D texture2;
uniform sampler2D color_texture;
uniform vec2 scroll1 = vec2(0.3, 03);
uniform vec2 scroll2 = vec2(-0.3, -0.3);

void fragment() {
	float text_color1 = texture(TEXTURE, UV + scroll1 * TIME).r;
	float text_color2 = texture(texture2, UV + scroll2 * TIME).r;
	float energy = text_color1 * text_color2 - (1.0 - UV.y) * 0.5;
	vec4 color = texture(color_texture, vec2(energy));
	COLOR = color;

My problem is that the TEXTURE is scrolling, but the texture2 isn’t.
texture2 doesn’t even is rendered and I don’t understand why.

Try this:

uniform sampler2D texture2: repeat_enable;

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Thank you, I was trying to do this since this morning.
I did a test changing TIME to sin(TIME) and I notice the texture being streched but I didn’t knew how to fix.

Thank you again.

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